Steff is always ready to explore ideas and to sponsor the process. I know her as a person who walks her talk.    
The programme was a wonderful experience that really contributed to personal growth and gave strong additional tools to further enhance my coaching activities. Steff's ability to motivate people to stretch and explore is amazing. She does what she says…
When I met Steff for the first time, there was immediately a 'click' between us, because we shared the same values on how organisations should change and develop. She has a a good vision and strategy, but is nevertheless action and result oriented. She…
Steff is the woman to help you to the next level. Her insightful thinking, persuasive coaching and visionary capacity set her apart. Working with Steff is one of the pleasures in life.  
Steff is an ever-curious and inquisitive fantastic trainer-coach who can really work with what and who presents itself. One of the few people I know who 'breathes' and 'lives' NLP and systems thinking. In short, highly recommended for anyone who really…
I have had the great pleasure to work with Steff on various projects. Her understanding of systemics, her bright intelligence and empathy is truly inspiring. Steff is the partner you want alongside any business project you endeavor. She will always bring…