Because of her empathy and professionalism, Steff is excellent at designing a course of action that meets the specific needs of my company. Throughout our collaboration, Steff's attitude was constructively critical. She wants to achieve the maximum for…
Having studied with Steff she was able to build skills quickly and apply techniques with congruency and elegance.  
Steff was the guardian of the 'Safe Environment', focusing on the learning process without comments or judgements when learners shared personal or work related stories in their practical exercises.I can surely recommend Steff as a Coach & Trainer!
Sharing a course training with Steff was an incredibly positive experience and an opportunity for me to appreciate her stability, curiosity, sense of humour and artistic gifts. Her respectful, calm and confident attitude, her openness to people were one…
Steff is a great trainer. Her ability to be entirely present, open-minded and solution-focused, together with her effective communication skills ensure pleasant training days full of eye-openers and 'can do' challenges.    
Steff, thanks for the learning sessions! It has opened a lot of windows, doors and windows for me. An incredibly rich experience, Thx!    
 I have been impressed by Steff's abilities in terms of organisation and leadership. Steff is very professional, proactive and creative. She is someone who knows what she wants and gives herself the means to achieve it.    
Not only applicable at work, but also in daily communication with customers and people in your immediate surroundings. Highly recommended!  
Steff is an excellent facilitator and coach. In doing so, she skilfully uses the Disney Imagineering method. She masters it perfectly, so that the creative process within the team and the build-up from dream to realisation of proposals runs very smoothly…
It was a real pleasure to work with Steff during our training. She has tremendous insight and creativity that she brings to her work coupled with positive energy and compassion in dealing with others. Her instincts for what is required in any situation…
Steff is always ready to explore ideas and to sponsor the process. I know her as a person who walks her talk.    
Steff, thank you for giving what you have! I wish you a long time to draw energy from what you achieve here, because, it makes so many people richer, and that makes all the difference.
Steff allows you to access your inner resources. To be able to help people find within themselves whatever they need to become what/who they want to become, is an amazing skill. I can only imagine what she can do for a team.
The programme was a wonderful experience that really contributed to personal growth and gave strong additional tools to further enhance my coaching activities. Steff's ability to motivate people to stretch and explore is amazing. She does what she says…
I attended a coaching exercise with Steff and the result was excellent. Steff takes the time to coach you and guide your process. The experience was worthwhile!    
When I met Steff for the first time, there was immediately a 'click' between us, because we shared the same values on how organisations should change and develop. She has a a good vision and strategy, but is nevertheless action and result oriented. She…
Steff is an excellent trainer and has an eye for her clients' professional as well as personal development. She enables you to transcend yourself at various levels and provides you with the necessary resources to (continue to) grow.    
Steff is the woman to help you to the next level. Her insightful thinking, persuasive coaching and visionary capacity set her apart. Working with Steff is one of the pleasures in life.  
Steff always managed to create a safe environment with respect for everyone's personality, allowing you to go through your own journey of discovery in complete confidence. Her knowledge of systems thinking and experience as a business coach always…
Steff is an ever-curious and inquisitive fantastic trainer-coach who can really work with what and who presents itself. One of the few people I know who 'breathes' and 'lives' NLP and systems thinking. In short, highly recommended for anyone who really…
I recently followed a fascinating two-day course on facilitation techniques with Steff. She handles it very cleverly by nicely blending practice and theory. Informal, with humour, but also with the necessary depth and coherence of vision. The exercises…
Steff's insight, skill and wisdom impressed upon me her dedication to excellence. I recommend her with the highest level of confidence.    
Dear Steff, you have taught me to know myself better, to accept myself and to discover tools to work on my self-development, thus being ready to be able to give a lot of added value to my environment and to enjoy this to the full! Cheers!  
Steff's natural approach of guidance during her sessions, gives you definitely the feeling to be at ease and you'll always leave her session with a very good feeling. Thanks Steff! 
During the 1-on-1 coaching with Steff, she made me jump into the unprecedented that I did not yet know I could do... 😉 Merci for everything!  
I had the pleasure of receiving training from Steff. Everything that came out of the training has adjusted my life path. Incredibly nice to be able to add a whole new toolbox to my old toolbox!  
I had the pleasure of working with Steff for over 7 years as her project and later marketing manager. They were fascinating years, during which I got to know Steff as a unique, inspiring leader and a very human, honourable colleague. Steff, without you I…
Steff, I don't really know what to say. Consciously & subconsciously you have taught me so much!!! This is not a goodbye but the beginning of... See you soon.    
I have had the great pleasure to work with Steff on various projects. Her understanding of systemics, her bright intelligence and empathy is truly inspiring. Steff is the partner you want alongside any business project you endeavor. She will always bring…
Working with Steff was always a great learning experience. She is an excellent coach and communicator.  
Steff understands the art of landing new insights and skills with you so that new worlds open up. I followed both the 'NLP Practitioner' and 'Visual Practitioner' with her and can only confirm that it had a very big impact. She is a very passionate and…
The most important insight for me was how powerful it can be to consciously schedule 'NEO-time' - moments when you don't have to produce anything specific and can simply do something for yourself.
The fascinating thing is that this approach is not only great for you, but also gives your overall productivity a boost! This training has given me tools to do something for yourself without feeling guilty, while simultaneously being more effective in my…
Steff is an inspiring professional and incredibly strong coach! Because of these qualities, I changed the way I do business now.  
Steff is serious, joyful and always of good advice. Working with her was always funny and interesting. Whenever I had question, she could answer them with clear and precise explanations. She knows what she wants to do and how to get there. I warmly…
Steff's coaching sessions have changed the way in which I manage my career resulting in a great performance and increased personal energy.  
Steff is a very good team coach and is concerned with the well-being of each individual team member. She is dedicated and achieves goals by positively influencing others. As a personal coach Steff is a good listener and shares valuable insights in people…
Steff easily created a balanced and comfortable environment to discover my own potential and my possibilities. She is experienced in guiding people to explore their own capabilities and coaches them to move forward to the outcome they desire.